Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Ginger with the Voice of an Angel

Let me start off with: Wow, I'm absolutely horrible and I suck at posting on time and I'm so sorry for neglecting you. Now I'm going to begin with one of my favorite topics:

Ed. Sheeran.

If you told me to describe how much I love Ed Sheeran and his music, it would pretty much be impossible. Anyone that has ever listened to all of his songs, or at least any other song apart from "A Team" can agree with me when I say that he's just so raw, unique, talented and WOW that voice.

When I first heard of Ed Sheeran, I was a sophomore in high school and it was around November/December of 2011. Needless to say I became addicted. I instantly got all of his songs after I listened to "Give Me Love" for the very first time and they were played all day everyday for a good month or so. Whenever I attempted to describe his music to someone, it became more of a "I can't use my words so I'm going to just try and use body language and throw my arms up in the air so you get what I'm trying to say" kind of thing. Around this time period no one really new who he has, therefore no one was going to really give him a chance.

As the school year went on, he was still pretty unknown to people. Then eventually about a year later, "A Team" was beginning to play on the radio. People began listening to him everywhere. I would say the only thing that bothered me about this was that they would only listen to "A Team," they would not give any of his other songs a chance. I mean yes it's a good song, but it just does not compare to "Give Me Love," "Kiss Me," "Firefly," and more. His talent his pretty close to being unmatched. The closest person I can think of with talent like his would be Ryan Tedder from OneRepublic.

I don't necessarily hate that he's become so big (and is still becoming bigger), but I do find it quite ironic that all the people who told me I was crazy two years ago (I'm a Senior now), are the ones posting Facebook statuses about how amazing his music is. (As if I didn't already know).

My whole point of this is:
- Ed Sheeran is amazing
- Ed Sheeran's music is amazing
- Ed Sheeran is crazy talented
- Ed Sheeran has a voice that can melt anyone's heart (metaphorically, of course)
- Ed Sheeran writes amazing music
- Ed Sheeran's songs have meaning behind them
- Ed Sheeran writes from life experiences and even when he doesn't the songs are still fantastic
- Ed Sheeran is Ed Sheeran.

If you've never listened to Ed Sheeran before (or any of his other songs), you simply must. Stop reading right now and go listen to his debut album "+" on YouTube and I promise you'll fall in love. Well now X Factor USA is about to start so I'm going to leave while you go listen to the ginger who has the voice of an angel.
